August 14, 2006

Dear Person Who Coined The Phrase "Don't Cry Over Spoiled Milk",

You obviously never accidentally drank the stuff.



Katie said...

Oh! Did that for the first time a week and a half ago...I couldn't tell if I actually started crying since I stuck my whole face under running sink water. Sick to the out.

Anonymous said...

wait, but isn't it "spilled" milk? just a thought...

Greg said...

Actually, I get more upset over spoiled milk than I do spilled milk. I mean, if I spill a little milk, at least I have some left. If the milk is bad, not only do I have to deal with dumping it out (which is always gross) but I can't have any milk!! So I say screw all these people. Stick with spoiled!!

ree said...

yah! screw em! who would ever cry over SPILLING MILK?